In October 2019 we welcomed International 5* Eventer Louise Harwood to Carmarthen. A day of pole work and jumping was thoroughly enjoyed by the members who took part in the clinic.

On Saturday 8th February 2020, Andrea Phillips was welcomed as instructor at the Area 21 Arena Eventing Clinic in Penskyber Equestrian Centre, Letterston, Haverfordwest. Thanks to Storm Ciara it was touch and go as to whether it would go ahead but thankfully we continued as planned and although the winds picked up in the afternoon the morning saw glorious sunshine. Riders from all over Area 21 came to sample the amazing facilities and top tuition some lucky enough to be only 20 minutes down the road where as others made impressive 2 hour plus journeys. The day saw riders and horses of all abilities take on the show jumps and arena eventing style fence. Some riders wanted to build confidence and improve technique over the smaller cross poles whilst others were more confident over bigger fences but wanting to improve lines and turns. And as for the horses we had ponies pinging jumps like they were stags, cobs who just loved to jump and ex racehorses learning about life after the gallops. It was a well-supported day with much positive feedback. Huge thank you to Andrea for great teaching over the 8 hours and Sarah for the use of the facilities. I will look to do another when the weather is a bit warmer and we arenā€™t threatened by a storm!

A two day Dressage to Music Clinic with Kelly Bergheim was thoroughly enjoyed by a number of members on 8th and 9th August 2020. Some of those who attended had never ridden to music before and others wanted to perfect floorplans or music as they were competing at the Area DTM Qualifier.


A fantastic Bank Holiday Monday Cross Country Clinic was held on 31st August 2020 in Cambrian, Talsarn. All members thoroughly enjoyed the top tuition provided by Jonathan Pett and in particular the paddle in the lake followed by a good gallop up the hill. We had groups ranging from combinations who'd never done cross country before to those being brave enough to jump 1m plus - this course is one that provides something for all and the smiles on members faces just proved what fun it was!

A wonderful oppurtunity to really get in tune with your horse and how we ride was provided to some members on 6th September 2020 in the form of a Rider Biomechanics Clinic with Helen Williams. Held at Little Mill, Carmarthen it provided the perfect venue for riders to be put through their paces. Lots of improvement in rider positions and the horses way of going was clear to see at the end of each session.

On 28th November 2020 we welcomed the highly experienced dressage rider and trainer Vikki Pengilly to the area, with a clinic held in Tregaron. All riders who took part had high praise and thoroughly enjoyed. We hope to welcome Vikki back for more clinics in 2021.

A two day clinic was held on 17th and 18th July 2021 with show jumper Pat Crann in Carmarthen. Riders and horses of all levels enjoyed the tuition raging from those just starting out to those wanting their BS 3 star level signed off. The question of the day was "When will Pat be coming back??" so watch this space!

On Sunday 14th November 2021 we welcomed the superb Vikki Pengilly to Moor Farm to teach a day of dressage lessons. Everyone had a fantastic time and in each lesson the difference from start to finish was clear to see. Looking forward to getting Vikki back in 2022!

A great days training was held on Sunday 30th January 2022 at Lluest Equine Centre, Aberystwyth with Suzanne Gill coming to the area to teach a polework and show jumping clinic. Everyone enjoyed the style of teaching with a real focus on position and how it effects the horses way of going both on the flat and over poles. We look forward to hopefully welcoming Suzanne back again in the future.

On Monday 7th March 2022 we welcomed Levi Hunt for a full days training at Lluest Equine Centre, Aberystwyth. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed and spoke very highly of the tuition they received. Levi's fun, simple and sympathetic way of teaching saw everyone's confidence grow massively and horses and riders hugely improve.

A great days jumping was had by all on Sunday 27th March 2022. Fantastic teaching from Jonathan Pett from his base at Trojan Stud saw smiles all round!

Easter Bank Holiday Monday 2022 was enjoyed by 25 riders at a days Cross Country Training with Loretta Joynson. Hosted by Brynllewelyn everyone was very happy to be out training on grass for the first time this season. With a wide variety of jumps, ditches, drops and water the horses and riders were put through their paces with everyone coming away having achieved their aims.

Another fantastic clinic was held on 5th May 2022 under the instruction of Levi Hunt. A fun and encouraging lesson was had by all where everyone achieved goals in one way or another. We had everything from young horses learning to canter to those practicing flying changes, piaffe and pirouettes.  We look forward to welcoming Levi back in July for another grate day.

A great day of show jumping training on grass was had by all on Sunday 12th June 2022. Using the great facilities at Brynllewelyn, Tim Joynson, set us up a fantastic course with a wide variety of fences and fillers. Everyone had a super lesson with great tuition from Loretta Joynson.

On 18th June 2022 we headed to Coombe Park Stables, Peniel, nr Carmarthen for flatwork lessons with Stef Mansell. We had a full day of lessons with all combinations really progressing and most importantly enjoying!

We welcomed Levi Hunt back to West Wales once again on 2nd July 2022. The weather was glorious which added to the success of the day with all riders really positive about their lessons.

Area 21 had their first training event at Coxlake Cross Country, Narberth on 23rd July 2022. Andrea Philipps taught a full day of group lesson over the huge variety jumps on offer.  Looking forward to heading back there next Spring!

A Posture Assessment clinic was held on Saturday 30th July 2022 allowing riders to use the mechanical horse to assess their rein contact, stirrup weight and straightness based on their alignment and posture. This was a very interesting and insightful day with riders going away with instructions and homework to put in to practice on their own horses.

 On Sunday 1st October 2022 Little Mill Equestrian Centre hosted a day of flatwork lessons with Stef Mansell. We had a very successful day with huge improvement in horse and riders.

Following the success of the first Posture Clinic another was held on 8th October 2022 which saw riders return to see if their homework had paid off as well as new riders interested in seeing how their posture effects their riding.

We welcomed the fantastic Vikki Pengilly to Ochr Dewi Equestrian Centre nr Tregaron on Sunday 23rd October 2022. As always everyone thoroughly enjoyed their lessons and got lots out of the top instruction.

Arena Eventing Clinic proved extremely popular on Saturday 29th October! Little Mill gave the perfect venue for Andrea Philipps to provide a full day of tuition. The feedback was very positive and many riders pushed out of their comfort zone under Andrea's watchful eye!

A challenging pole-work exercise was enjoyed by all on Friday 25th November 2022 when Suzanne Gill came back to Lluest Equine Centre, Aberystwyth once again. It was great to have Suzanne back again after she taught her first clinic for Area 21 last year.

December lessons with Stef Mansell proved very popular once again when we welcomed her back to Bailey Farm on the 3rd. It's so great to see her regulars improve from month to month!

Lessons with Andrea Philipps proved extremely popular once again when she taught some gymnastic jumping exercises on 8th January 2023 at Moor Farm, Haverfordwest. Everyone thoroughly enjoyed and felt improvement within the hour. Once again Andrea's humour and knowledge went down a treat with riders!

On Saturday 11th February 2023 we headed up to Lluest Equine Centre, Aberystwyth for a days show jumping training. Suzanne Gill got the best out of all riders who attended and we look forward to welcoming her back again soon.

Area 21 were thrilled to welcome Mia Palles-Clarke to Little Mill Equestrian, Carmarthen on Sunday 5th March. Fabulous facilities and outstanding coaching led to a very enjoyable day for all.

Vikki Pengilly taught for us once again on Sunday 18th March 2023 at Ochr Dewi, Lampeter.

On Sunday 23rd April 2023 the sun shone for a great day at Penskyber Equestrian Centre. Andrea Philipps put everyone through their paces over the Arena Eventing course and everyone left with huge smiles on their faces.


An excellent day was had on Sunday 30th April 2023 up at Cambrian Cross Country in Talsarn. For most it was the first time out on grass doing cross country this year but everyone made good use of the new jumps under the guidance of our instructor Loretta Joynson.

The Moody Cow, Llwyncelyn hosted 50 Area 21 members on Tuesday 9th May for a Bit and Bridle Fitting Talk. The talk was held by Emma Busk and all members found it informative and helpful.

On Saturday 27th May we welcomed Stef Mansell to Pibwrlwyd to teach a polework clinic. All riders found it great fun and with a total of 32 poles the horses were certainly kept on their feet having to think about various elements throughout the lesson.


A superb days training was held at Cambrian Cross Country on Sunday 18th June 2023. After the recent heatwave we had torrential rain a couple of days before and with cooler cloudy skies it made for perfect weather and going for the horses. Loretta Joynson once again offered fantastic encouraging tuition and everyone enjoyed.

On 9th July 2023 Sally Frost kindly held lessons at her yard in Narberth for a handful of Area 21 members. Feedback was really positive with everyone getting lots out of their flatwork.

We welcomed Vikki Pengilly to Pibwrlwyd, Carmarthen on 23rd July 2023 for a full day of flatwork lessons. As usual everyone really benefited from Vikki's fantastic tuition with smiles all round.

A fabulous but wet day was had at Coxlake, Narberth on Sunday 30th July for a spot of cross country training with Andrea Philipps. All riders and horses had an excellent time and thoroughly enjoyed. The rain didnt dampen anyone's spirits!

Once again Sally Frost welcomed a small number of members to her yard in Narberth on 9th September 2023 for flatwork lessons. All those who attended thoroughly enjoyed their lessons.

On 23rd September 2023 we welcomed Katie Williams, all the way from Monmouth, to Little Mill in Carmarthen for a day of jumping lessons. The day saw riders and horse tackle some technical exercises from bounces, jumping angled doubles and dog legs. All riders left with huge smiles having thoroughly enjoyed their lessons and took away really helpful and positive advice. We hope to welcome Katie back next year.

A glorious dry, sunny day was enjoyed at Beacons Equestrian on 20th April where Andrea Philipps taught five groups over the Arena Eventing Course. Everyone had a blast, with horses and riders jumping well and taking a lot from the fabulous tuition.